
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Malaysia Oil & Gas Engineering

Seblum seblum ni kalau aku surfing webpages pasal oil n gas kat Malaysia ni boleh dijadikan hiburan utk mengisi masa lapang bilamana posts or comments regarding careers in this industry. Contohnya, mcm razmahwata and forum lowyat. Yang torrbaikkk dijadikan contoh adalah seperti razmahwata. Most of it were guys who want to involve in the industry. Sekali kene komen pedas wata n jabba, haaa wakakakka la jwbnyaa....I believe some of the people knew a little bit about the industry and some who doesn't know anything at all. Just rushed in the net and pops out their immaturity. Tapi ape yg ak nmpak kebnyakkanyer adelah students2 yg sket lagi jer nk grad..Maybe die xtau nk maximize google nyer capability utk retrieve information. Hmm..back to the topic, for those who want to jump into the engineering environment, you could always refer to these council or associations yg ala2 persatuan mcm kat skolah dulu..

Malaysia Oil & Gas Services Council (MOGSC)
Haaa...kt sini korg leh survey2 companies that provide services in Malaysia oil & gas industry. Dari A sampai Z. Dari Alif sampai Ya. Suma ada except PSCs jer. Pi tgk sniri malaih dah nk crita.

Association of Malaysia Oil & Gas Engineering Consultants (MOGEC)

Haa...This association ni melibatkan engineering consultants kt Malaysia ni. Diorg ni la yg slalu wat Front End Engineering Design (FEED) utk processing platform or plant or whatever janji design n engineering punya scope of works. Suku sakat ni jugak kadang2 leh kontrak mcm EPCIC or EPCC. Cakap banyak xguna, pegilah usha sendiri.

Haaa..this is the last one for today..what these fabricators do is mostly procurement and construction for offshore structures such as jackets, topsides, modules, rigs, FSO/FPSO, turrets et cetera. Tak banyak members dlm OSFAM ni sbb kat Malaysia ade 6 je. Tu pun mcm 2 lagi dah gulung tapi ade dengar crita2 yg nk bukak balik. Ramunia nk bukak kt Sandakan, Oilfab plak dah cari partner kut. Rumors je, g la check sendiri utk kepastian. Kalu keje kt fabrication yard ni leh la dpt site experience. Name pon yard kan. 

Hmm..ble bace blk rase ade skit2 mcm nk jadi career advisor plak.mcm nila blog dibuat tanpa ada arah tujuan. Cilok kanan ada lembu, cilok kiri ade anjing..Anyway, aku dah start rase amat malas skg ni..hehe..noktah sajalah disini.

1 comment:

  1. We Can supply Aviation Kerosene,Jet fuel (JP 54-A1,5), Diesel (Gas Oil) and Fuel Oil D2, D6,ETC in FOB/Rotterdam only, serious buyer should contact or if you have serious buyers my seller is ready to close this deal fast contact us below:now base email us (


    Russia D2 50,000-150,000 Metric Tons FOB Rotterdam Port.

    JP54 5000,000 Barrels per Month FOB Rotterdam.

    JA1 Jet Fuel 10,000,000 Barrels FOB Rotterdam.

    D6 Virgin Fuel Oil 800,000,000 Gallon FOB Rotterdam.


    Best Regards
    (Mr.) Vladislav Yakov
    Skype: neftegazagent

    Thank You
