
Monday, November 8, 2010

Part I: Exploration & Production (E&P)

Those are phases occuring in E&P bussiness for oil and gas industry. In each of the phases, it consists a lots of major work, execution, management, planning and of course, big bucks. These are the phases that have to go through before and after the field were developed. Before that, one must know the differences of the key players in the industries, and what they exactly do.

Field Owner / Operator / PSC Contractor

Companies that lies in this group is a well-known identities in the industries. They are the one who 'owned', or operate or has a percentage on the profits made out of the specific field. Dang, there is also a difference among these players which can be categorised as NOC or MNOC or JOC.

National Oil Company (NOC)

Companies from this group is a company which controlled by government (subsidiary or government linked). The government of their respective country gave them full rights to developed and dig out every petroleum's shit (including T-Rex shit) from their country. They hold a sole rights on how to develop the fields, either find the oil or gas by their own or invite the MNC to create a production sharing (PSC). Below are some global NOC players.


Multi National Oil Company (MNOC)

MNOC is the companies that incorporated privately, non-government linked. They are the independent energy company that ventures globally to produce oil and gas. For instance, they are given license by the government or the NOCs to find and develop the potential field. Some of MNOCs player are

Joint Operating Company (JOC)

Operating company is a company that established between the sharing companies (shareholder)  for the specific field for the development and production. Most of these were established under JOA (Joint Operating Agreement) because of the overlapping fields.
  • Carigali-PTTEPI Operating Company - CPOC
  • Kebabangan Petroluem Operating Company - KPOC
  • Carigali - Triton Operating Company - CTOC

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