
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Career Sharing: Fresh Graduates and Oil & Gas


Lama sudah ana tidak blogging. Mcmana la nk capai inspirasi blogger boy. Aiseh, diam x diam dah nk dkat amfat bulan lah ana start blogging. Ana tgk ramai ente2 kt luar sana adlah fresh graduates. Jadi ana dan ana rafalilah, ingin berkongsi dgn fresh graduates.. Ana harap yg 15 yrs experience pon leh share korg nyer opinion skali. So, first skali aku amek statement ni from one of the comments left in this blog.

Salam, bro blh tlg share skit tak, klau fresh grad - bachelor in mechanical, company mane y bagus utk develop career dlm O&G nh. Skrg ni sy dlm final sem, belum grad lg n agak blur mcmne nk start berkecimpung dlm O&G nh. Selalu nye most companies nk hire yg experience je.

Hmm..Mechanical..sebut mekanikal tu mcm pegi kedai beli pisang..pisang raja ada, pisang tanduk ada, pisang emas ada, pisang diatas peti pun ada.. So, my points is there are many areas in oil and gas that involves mechanical discipline. Of koslah company2 kebanyakannya looking for experience personnel. Reasons why,  you know why aite? Kalau aku bkak company drilling cap ayam pon aku most akan look for experienced   Ye lah..kalu x lingkop la company..Fresh grads ni amek bile rase nk sustain human capital in the organisation jer..So, the bigger the company, the bigger chances they hire numbers of graduates...Tapi ingat chances still rendah since competitions sgt tight..Ckp kosong je nih..jom borak yang ada isi sikit..

Design & Engineering 

Haa..kt sini bidang2 consultant..If you are mechanical graduates, kt sini you can be Mechanical Engineer / designer and you also can apply for Piping Engineer / Designer. Tapi apa yang aku boleh rekomenkan, rembat je pape position since korang Fresh Graduates. Nanti pepandai la HR exec tu slot-in kan korang punye resume. Just a few.
Technip Geoproduction
DPS Bristol
Aker Solutions

MMC Oil & Gas

Ranhill Worley Parson

SBM Offshore

JP Kenny

RNZ Integrated

Construction / Fabrication

Well, these contractors akan fabricate apa yang telah di-design oleh consultant2 kat atas. So, job scope kat sini more to site punye scope of work. Kalau Mechanical Engineer, ente akan mostly deals with fabrication and installation of mechanical equipments. Tapi kt sini pon die ade pkai design & engineering. Kalu dapat post mcm ni lebih kuranglah mcm dengan consultants di atas tadi tp lebih kepada engineering not designing.

 Brooke Dockyard
Kencana HL
Malaysia Marine & Heavy Engineering

Sime Darby Engineering

Transportation & Installation (TNI)

OK. Company2 yg kt scope ni adalah penerus kerja yg telah disiapkan oleh fabricator2 diatas tadi. Derang ni bwk la structure2 yg dah difabrikasi dan siap di-seafastening tadi dan menginstallkannya di lapangan minyak yang ditetapkan. Jadi, byk jenis2 kerja yang ente boleh apply mcm Barge Engineer, Ballast Engineer, Loadout Engineer, Transport Engineer, Lifting Engineer dan segala macam engineer ada. Jikalau macam pipeline install pon ada pipieline engineer. Haa macam2. Pilih je nak jadi ape.
TL Offshore


Sigur Ros


Hook-up & Commissioning (HUC)

Ahh..xlarat dah..alrite..ana kasi straight je la name company kt sini..Kalu ente rajin leh cari kt MOGSC directory...Engineer2 for HUC ni pon berbagai bagai.
Petra Energy

Dayang Enterprise

Operation & Maintenance (O&M)

Hah..kat sini hanyalah company company MNOC/NOC. Merekalah yg operate platform untuk production. So, xyah ckp bebanyak lah. Semuanya nama nama besar. Kalau mechnical tuh agak yang best skit leh la try rotating / turbomachneries ala mcm gas turbine, compressor, pump etc. Dalam scope ni pun ade jugak service provider for Operating Companies ni. Selalunya diorang panggil field engineer, technical service engineer dan berbagai bagai. Service provider ni pon berbagai bagai.
Tanjung Offshore
Serba Dinamik

Handal Offshore 

Kome try jela shoot CV kt HR diorang. Kalu ada rezeki tu ade la..Ada kosong diorg panggil, tu pun kne la meet diorg nyer requirements especially CGPA. Last tips, try semua types of companies i.e. big companies (MNCs & MNOCs), medium companies (consultants & contractors) and small companies (vendors, subcontractors).

Hah, one more thing..msti ade org tanya "bang..saya kelulusan undang-undang dari universiti malaysia balakong..cmne nk join OnG ?".."My name is Chaudri Chaiwalla from KUXM, soon will graduate in nursing bla..bla..blaa.." Xkesah broo...bro jadi nurse pon bro leh join nyer..bro bwk lori tanker LPG Petronas pon oil & gas bab ke offshore tu taktau la nk crite..ade ape sgt la kt offshore tu yg kemaruk nk g..bkn ade awek Iran pkai skirt pendek pon..

Lastly, konklusi, kita try je tp Allah yg menetukan..rezki kite di tgn tuhan..igt tuh..Insya allah ade tu ade la der..meh kiter layan maher zeng sepangggg


  1. Thanks a lot bro, really help... Btw CARA cover maher zain tu, huhu...

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  2. good info bro thanks...ada awek iran pakai skirt ke masa bt video clip ni...hehe

  3. Bro, does Jpkenny got office in Malaysia?
    If got, do they hire any entry level mechanical engineer?

  4. Yup, they got office in malaysia u can hv a look at Wood Group website but about recruitment for entry level thats something that im not sure of

    1. Does the Oil & Gas companies recruit a quantity surveyor?

      I am quite interested to involve in this oil and gas industry since it is quite challenging but it seems like they prefer engineering graduates.

  5. salam bro,

    i would like to ask questions.

    im studying geomatic engineering/surveying,
    will be graduating soon.

    do you have any suggestion which companies are actively recruiting geomatic engineer/hygrographic surveyor ?

    thx bro

  6. For sure you can look for NOC such as PETRONAS, Shell etc and you can have a look too at Oregenic Resources, TL Geohydrograhics (SapuraCrest) and Offshore Geo Survey (Offshore Works).

  7. salam.
    ana fresh grad pencari kerja.
    terima kasih bro.. info yang berguna sekali.

  8. salam~

    Do OnG companies recruit a marine engineer?

    thanks for the info..

  9. TL offshore sdn bhd IS THE BEST :D
    A subsidiary company of SAPURACREST PETROLEUM SDN BHD.

    1. salam , are you working with TL offshore sdn bhd ?

  10. As'salamualaikum,

    One out of topic question, but still related, is it ok to send CV before finish my intern? or after I finish my intern?

    Sorry for your inconvenience...

    1. i personally think, it shouldnt be a problem. just send them your CV

  11. MMHE currently has lot of vacancy. for fresh minimum CGPA 3.0 and first screening they will test your communication in english

    1. bile lg MMHE nk open job for fresh grad for this year?

  12. katne nak tgk vacancy for MMHE tu? nak try gak..

    1. bro, company's website is a sure place to find that information.

  13. bro, tumpang tanye.. kalau graduate geomatics science ape boleh buat dalam oil and gas ni?..

  14. saye final year student oil and gas engineering.. major petroleum.. bg bro kan ladies sesuai keje part ape dlm oag industry ni?

  15. salam..
    saya lepasan ijazah manufacturing engineering(engineering material)bolehkah saya memohon untuk bekerja di bidang oil n gas kerana saya amat meminati bidng ini..
    kalo "boleh" bagaimana?

    1. ni tak nazih mesti din..keje kilang je la..puii

  16. asalam about pure civil engineering..still can join OnG career?? teringin sgt nk keje offshore..haha

  17. Satu lagi kena belajar ialah kena tahu cara2 nak buat Oil & Gas CV . baru lebih cerah peluang dpt interview

  18. Klau diploma mechanical engineering.. position apa boleh minta untuk industri oil n gas ni bang?

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