
Friday, January 7, 2011

Cartoon: Thanks Instrument Engineers!

Imagine world without instrumentations, huh. This could be the exact situation at plant. lol. This guy really made a point.


  1. Salam, bro blh tlg share skit tak, klau fresh grad - bachelor in mechanical, company mane y bagus utk develop career dlm O&G nh. Skrg ni sy dlm final sem, belum grad lg n agak blur mcmne nk start berkecimpung dlm O&G nh. Selalu nye most companies nk hire yg experience je. Btw, thanks for the nice blog, much gud info..

  2. Nie aku nak cadangjelar tp tepulang pada ko..
    Ko pergila cek ngan member2 di Petronas,Talisman dan Sarawak Shell.Biasanya fresh graduate mmg diaorang ambik.Aku cakap mcmtu sebab aku berada dalam golongan ini tp aku dalam kelas bawahan je

  3. ahhh..orite2 nnt aku usahakan..busy skit lately..nnt ak kasi full reference

  4. bro.. dh takde update ke?

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